
Dr. Sagarika Mohanty

Notice Board


A student of the college must lead a disciplined life and also abide by such hygienic principle and submit herself to such anti-epidemic procedure as would be laid down by the principal.


(a)      Compulsory: Eng, M.I.L. (Oriya, Hindi, Alternative English)
(b)      Elective : History, Political Science, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, Oriya, Hindi, Sanskrit, Home Science  (128 Seats Each)
Hons. Subjects  :

Economics 16 seats, Hindi 24 seats, English 16 seats, History 16 Seats, Home Science 32 seats, Odia 24 seats, Philosophy 8 seats, Political Science 24 seats, Sanskrit 16 seats, Sociology 16 seats ..


A candidate (Honours or Pass) shall choose two elective subjects (one from each group) each carrying 200 marks (without any practical component) from among the following subjects according to the grouping made for them.
B.A. (Honours) : The course structure and mark distribution for B.A. (Hons.) shall be as follows.


First Year

English 100
M.I..L 100
Elective A-1 100
Elective A-2 100
Hons P-1 100
Hons P-2 100
Total Marks 600


Second Year

English 100
M.I..L 100
Hons. P-3 100
Hons. P-4 100
Hons. P-5 100
Hons. P-6 100
Total Marks 600

Final Year

Indian Society and Culture 100
(i) Environmental Studies 50
(ii) Population Studies / Computer Application 50
Hons. P-7 100
Hons. P-8 100
Elective B-1 100
Elective - B-2 100
Total Marks 600
Pass : The course structure and mark distribution shall be as follows.

First Year

Com. Eng. 100
Bus. Eco. 100
Fin. Acc. 100
Bus. Regulatory Frame Work 100
Fundamental of Enterpreneurship 100
Total Marks 500


Second Year

Ind. Soc. Cul. 100
Bus. Stat. 100
Bus. Envn. 100
Cost Acc. 100
Incom Tax 100
Total Marks 500

Final Year

(i) Environmental Studies 50
(ii) Computer Application 50
Mgt. Acct. 100
Prin. Bus. Mgt. 100
Auditing 100
Total Marks 400